
English Core Texts

Each half termly topic in enriched with a high quality whole class text which is explored and often used as stimulus for writing.  We believe that the use of high quality books within the English curriculum is at the heart of  our successful approach to engage and support children to become motivated and independent readers. We aim for children to enjoy reading, so that they read more frequently and become better readers. We continually monitor our text selection to ensure that we use the best children’s literature available. As as school our teachers share their own love of reading and encourage our pupils to be inspired as readers and motivated to read for themselves.

Key Stage 1 Core Texts

Key Stage 2 Core Texts

English Events

Reading Dogs 2023​ 

The children in Year 1 have adopted their very own Reading Dogs. They have named them, taken them home and promised to read to the dogs for a minimum of 15 minutes a night.’ 

Reading Dogs

The KS1 reading dogs are often welcomed into school to take part in fun reading events or story times.